Eco Council

St. Brigid’s Primary School is an Eco School, receiving our 2nd Green Flag Award in 2021. Our children work closely with nature through the gardening club and are aware of the need to respect the World and our environment.
We are situated in the beautiful Ring of Gullion. We wanted to develop our outdoor educational provision and being an active Eco School we felt that ‘Forest Schools’ would be ideal. We were fortunate to win the Forest Schools Award in 2016/17 supported by our local council. Two members of our school staff are deemed to be Forest School Leaders, achieving Award Level 3 Training in June 2017.
Forest School Setting.
We use Glassdrummond Wood, owned by the parish of Upper Creggan. Over the years volunteers have been working tirelessly to restore the woodland to make it accessible to the public. It is a wonderful resource and the pupils have brilliant fun and learning experiences here.
The NI Forest School Awards have been created to encourage local primary schools to take an innovative, educational approach to outdoor play and learning, encouraging and inspiring children through positive outdoor experiences. The concept is based on a Scandinavian idea that considers children’s contact with nature to be extremely important from an early age.
St Brigid's Primary School Glassdrummond Road Crossmaglen Newry BT35 9DY Tel: (028) 3086 1514